Monday, May 14, 2012

29-31 Weeks

29 Weeks
Still feeling good with no aches or pains. We started a new lifting program that provides opportunity to PR often whether it's hitting a heavy 1 rep max or challenging ourselves to go heavy on 3, 5 or 8 reps. It's a lot of fun to see what I'm capable of. Of course listening to my body comes before trying to hit a new number but so far, so good. I've hit new PR's every week, sometimes two in a day. 

30 weeks
175lb Deadlift + 5 rep RDLs

It wasn't too long ago that I struggled to pull 170lbs so needless to say, I'm thrilled that 175lbs in addition to 5RDLs is no problem. 

At the 30 week mark I am a full 25lbs heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. I got my body fat % measured this week and they measured me two different ways. One way was including my abdomen measurements which said I was 21% body fat and one was without abdomen measurements, saying I was 18%body fat. Either way, it was less than what I expected it to be. It means that in addition to putting on roughly 4-7% body fat, I've also put on muscle. I'm doing OK in eating nutrient dense foods and avoiding gluten although I've made a few more exceptions than I'd like to admit. I'm still conscience of getting enough protein each day and avoiding empty calories. I've found that I put on pounds pretty fast when I eat late at night (duh) so I'm working on getting out of the habit of snacking after the kids go to bed when I'm sitting on the couch relaxing. Not a good time to indulge :) 

1 gallon of water a day is what I aim for. Most days I hit that mark no problem. I've found that having a good water source makes it much easier to drink the water. We stopped drinking tap water years ago, but now we're buying reverse osmosis water from Rainbow Blossom for .59 a gallon or Whole Foods for .39 a gallon and it tastes so good. The Rainbow blossom water claims to have added up to 500x more oxygen than normal water. Interesting! Whether it's true or not, it certainly makes it easier to drink lots of water when it's so smooth.  

31 week
200lb RDL 5reps
17lb PR (Happy Dance!)
This was a very happy day for me. Last time we went heavy on RDLs I got 183lbs for 3 reps so this 17lb jump in weight plus 2 reps was fun.

31weeks +5days
100lb Bench 
8lb PR
It wasn't pretty... but I did it! I reached the triple digits on my bench. I've been dreaming of this day for a long time. Sometimes I feel like I'm cheating in this whole workout thing because it's SO. MUCH. FUN! Sure, it's often hard to get in my car and drive to the gym because I know how much energy I'm going to put out but I'm always rewarded. Rewarded with a really nice rush of endorphins, sometimes rewarded with a new PR, rewarded as I watch others accomplish their goals and rewarded, without fail, every time I walk out of there knowing I was pushed by others and myself to get stronger and healthier. It is also rewarding knowing that my children are watching and learning. They see Mom and Dad workout at home and know when I leave three times a week I'm heading to the gym. Kids often emulate what they see and both Sam and Simone try pushups, squats, situps and swing on our gym rings daily. Sam actually has stellar pushup form. It's gratifying knowing that they are growing up with healthy habits of eating well and exercising. Sam informed me last week that he wants to run a race so we are looking into signing him up for the next kids race in our area. 

Powerlifting also has it's lows though. I've cried a few times and thrown little internal pity parties and temper tantrums when I feel off that day and have to back off the weight, or when I get too competitive and start comparing myself to what everyone else can do and what I can't do. My Coach is good at reminding me to do "my" best and not worry about what others are doing. It's a good thing because sometimes I get competitive with guys who can bench hundreds of pounds. What? I know, it doesn't make sense but I want to be throwing that much weight around too, dangit!  Of course that competitiveness is also coupled with a joy in watching my fellow lifters reach new PRs. Molly, a super cool 17year old chick who weighs 135lbs hit 162lbs on her squat today. It was amazing! I couldn't be happier for her and it's thrilling to watch others in their awesomeness. 

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