Thursday, March 22, 2012

Calories, cravings and more...

23 weeks
Teaching Sam lunges. He likes watching and learning and is willing to try anything. He also joined me for part of my jog earlier that afternoon. 

24 weeks
90% of my one rep max for as many times as possible
 82lb bench 3x
(can't hide the bump any longer)

24 weeks 
90% of my one rep max for as many times as possible. 
165lbs Deadlift 6x (PR)

Week 24: Total weight gain is 15lbs which is quite a jump in weight since week 20 but I know I've been eating really well 95% of the time so apparently it's weight I need.

Calories: I feel like my body is becoming more efficient at absorbing nutrients because I look at my weight gain, energy level and strength, and I see all three increasing. The interesting thing is that I have not increased my calorie intake. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied which happens to mean I'm eating the same amount I was pre-pregnancy. I am not eating for two (gasp). Meaning, I'm not eating the extra 300 calories recommended during pregnancy. There is no "one size fits all" in any area of life, and this includes pregnancy. If you need an extra 300 or 1000 calories, eat it! But, for example, a sedentary pregnant woman and a pregnant athlete are probably not going to need the same amount of calories in a day. Many other variables factor into how much each person needs. Metabolic rate, nutrition type, hormones produced, muscle/fat ratios, starting height and weight of the woman, just to name a few.

 All I can say is... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Am I aware of myself enough to know when to stop eating? Do I know what satisfaction vs. full feels like? I think counting calories is overrated. What kind of calories am I feeding my body and baby?  Am I  getting enough easily assimilated proteins each day? Am I eating enough good fats? Am I drinking enough water? Am I getting the vitamins and minerals that my body needs to create a new person? Maybe those are the questions we should be asking ourselves instead of counting the quantity... half of which may be useless because there is no nutritional value to those calories. I consider quality of calories more important than quantity!!!

 Cravings: I have plenty of them. I went to bed early one night to avoid ordering Papa Johns. That's how bad the craving was! I make exceptions occasionally but find that when I succumb to a bad craving, it's a battle for the next few days to not eat out again. It seems to spoil my taste buds, making it hard for me to appreciate the flavors of healthy foods. I'm currently fighting sugar cravings in the afternoon by eating small snacks and meals almost hourly throughout the day. It helps prevent my blood sugar from crashing and I feel stronger to resist that mid afternoon pull towards sugar.

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