Thursday, March 8, 2012

Getting stronger?

Is this okay; getting stronger during pregnancy? The past few weeks I've hit new personal records which has brought this question to mind. 

As I think more about building strength during pregnancy, I realize how opposite this is of most advice you'll hear. It's normally "run slower, lift less, eat more, stay off your feet, don't push it, etc." Rarely, if ever, is it acceptable to get stronger while also growing a baby.

Don't get me wrong... I totally understand there will be holdups because of changes in our hormones, loosening ligaments, extra weight, the body changing shape and just the fact that you're responsible for a little human life. I fully expect to reach a point where my abdomen might feel tight or pulled because I'm lifting heavy and I'll have to back off. I know I won't be able do some of the exercises because the baby will be in the way. I won't fight this and will continue being smart and extra cautious in the gym. However, if my body is telling me I'm fully capable and I feel fine, why would I stop getting stronger? What's the harm in lifting heavy while growing a baby? As far as I've experienced and can see... nothing. I believe it's totally safe as long as precautions are taken, like having a knowledgeable Coach, a spotter at all times, making mobility priority and being willing to scale or even quit for the day if you're feeling off. I also see a Chiropractor 2-4 times a month who knows my exercise routine and keeps a close eye on me, especially my pelvis as it tends to tilt.  

I believe that staying strong and eating well play a major role in my low blood pressure, no lower back pain, no water retention, no heartburn or any other problems so far.  I don't think that women have to be plagued with the typical pregnancy discomforts and problems. For me, the key has been to be fit pre-pregnancy and then stay fit while pregnant. 

I'm a big believer in our physical, emotional and mental strength as women;  strength that sometimes is never tapped into, strength that often stays hidden and unexplored. I simply advocate staying in tune with your body and listening to instinct (which may look different for every woman).  Do I ever think I've "arrived?" Never! To think that would be foolish. I do my best to stay open and teachable to hearing concerns about this particular issue because there is always something new to learn. 

Carli addresses this pregnancy myth of not lifting heavy. 

    21 weeks Benching 92lbs 

                                                     21 weeks Deadlifting 175lbs (5lb PR)
I finally busted through the wall I'd hit with this lift. I was stuck at 170lbs for too many weeks. Tomorrow I'm trying for 180. I'll update on how that goes. 

*Update: 180lb deadlift was surprisingly easy but I missed my 95lb bench press.

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