Monday, July 16, 2012

32-39 weeks

32-33 weeks

Still felt normal strength in the gym. Workouts included...
Pull-ups and Chin-ups
Weighted Sit ups
Shoulder Press
Bench Press

34 Weeks 

148lb Squat x2
This was the last heavy squat day while pregnant because I started feeling a pull in my lower abdomen muscles and my pelvis started really shifting on weighted squats. At this point I decreased my weight to about 60% of my one rep max and did lots of reps at that weight to maintain mobility. 

35-37 Weeks
I missed a few workouts due to car and timing issues but got to the gym every day I could. Even though I wasn't able to Squat what I was before, my bench and Deadlift numbers went up.

38 Weeks
 Bench Press and Pushups

39 Weeks (3 days before Sophia was born)

215lb deadlift (15lb PR)
This was one of the hardest weeks for me mentally and emotionally. The anticipation of meeting my baby, anxiety about labor and birth and also adding a third child to our family caused me to melt down several times. Pushing myself to get to the gym and pushing myself once I was there was key in helping release the anxiety.

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