Saturday, March 3, 2012

Food and Supplements

Total weight gain by the halfway mark is 9lbs. I'm happy with this because that allows 23lbs of wiggle room for the remainder 20 weeks. I'd like to stay below 170lbs this time around but of course I won't go on a diet if I pass that mark.

Supplements I take daily

Folic acid
Coenzymate B Complex- This kind is dissolved under the tongue. Not terrible but not pleasant in taste.
Whey Protein- Look for cold processed and from grassfed cows.
Krill Oil-
Vitamin C- Look for buffered/time released
Coral Calcium
Ultra Magnesium 
Organic Coconut oil- At least 2TBSP a day. Look for cold pressed and organic
Vitamin D- 6,000 IU's. D-3 is what you want!
Spirulina - 5-6 grams. Make sure it has not been harvested around or in Japan because of radiation and toxicity levels.  I like the tablet or capsule form. While it's more expensive than powder form, it's fast and easy. The powder is a little much for me to handle as you have to find ways to disguise the strong taste. Here's a great article on the benefits of spirulina. It truly is a SUPER food!

Foods I eat

Grass-fed beef
Free range, organic chicken
Farm fresh eggs (raw and cooked)
Organic fruits (although I try to limit the quantity and focus on eating berries mostly)
Beans that have been soaked for 24-36 hours to rid them of anti-nutrients that make them very hard to digest (Beans are high in starch so I rarely eat them)
Organic vegetables ( I try to eat the colorful and avoid the starchy)
Organic Jasmine or Basmati Rice- Why white over brown rice?
Organic Coconut Milk- Whole Foods 365 brand has the best tasting and best price I've found.
Fermented foods
     - Sauerkraut- look for organic with only Cabbage, water and salt as the ingredients. Avoid any that        have vinegar added as the vinegar prevents proper fermentation.
     - Kefir- we make our own from raw grassfed cows milk. It's a simple, easy process.
     - Kombucha tea- GT's is a great brand. It's organic and raw and comes in amazing flavors. You can also be as cool as my husband and make your own. Tonight I had the best Kombucha to date... made right in our own kitchen.
Raw Cheese- Trader Joe's sells this for $5.50lb
Small quantities of raw nuts
Organic raw almond butter
Organic peanut butter without added sugar
Raw honey (Really Raw honey can be found at Whole Foods $37.00 for 5lbs) This is considered a super food. I give the kids and myself a spoonful a day and never use it for baking because the heat  destroys the nutrients. This 5lb container last our family of four about a month.
Raw cane sugar in moderation
Organic Spices (single and pure without any additives)
Organic whole oats preferably soaked overnight.
Organic Coconut Oil- 2TBSP a day. Look for oil that has only been heated at a very low temperature for a short amount of time.
Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil- I do not use for cooking as it becomes toxic when heated.
Organic Gluten free soy sauce
Org. Coconut flour
Almond flour
Raw homemade ice cream in moderation.
Himalayan salt- contains over 80 minerals and elements found in the human body. You can't have too much himalayan salt.

Foods I avoid

Chips (occasionally I buy organic corn chips)
Refined sugar
High Fructose corn syrup
Corn (even corn on the cob because its so high in starch and sugar)
Most cheese
Canned vegetables and fruits
Cooking oils
Commercial milk or cream
Canned meats
Starchy vegetables
All artificial sweeteners
Processed or heated honey
Commercial Juices
Agave Nectar
Corn starch
Soft drinks
Processed meats (hot dogs, sausages etc)

This is GT's Kombucha alongside the homemade ferment. 

The porcelain fermenter used for homemade Kombucha.


  1. Thanks for the lists! I am almost 14 weeks and unfortunately did not make it to the gym at times due to nausea. However I am finally feeling as you put it "normal"! May be looking into a trainer thanks to you too. And Kombucha, I have not had any since pregnant for some reason I thought it would be bad for me, my husband also makes his own. Looking ffwd to some tonight! Thank you, Thank you!!!

    - Lisette

    1. Congratulations on your growing baby! How exciting!!! Thats great that your husband makes his own Kombucha. Do you have any favorite flavors he's made? Jake is experimenting with different kinds and I think our favorite so far is when he adds ginger. Also, how long does he let the tea ferment?
